White’s Tree Frog

SOP Care Sheet


The White's Tree Frog can also be called the Dumpy Frog. No matter which name you use, they are still a tree frog. We provide them with a Exo Terra Large Natural Terrarium tank. We have a few fake plants and a constant water fall for our frogs to keep them moist. They love to hide under the water or cling to the walls.

Daily Care

If you smoke or use nicotine products, wash your hands before handling the animal. Nicotine is harmful to amphibians and could kill them. Spot clean the cage and provide fresh water daily. Water must be dechlorinated. If dechlorinated water is not available you can use tap water if you add a drop of dechlor into the container provided. Also, mist cage with the dechlorinated water once a day. Do not use any type of soap or cleaner to clean the cage, plants or rocks. Wipe down walls with a plain paper towel.

Lighting and Temperature

White's Tree Frogs are a nocturnal frog. Due to this fact, we provide a 40 watt Exo Terra light bulb. We also provide a medium sized heat pad that is placed on the back side of the cage. We place the light on a timer. The timer is set for a 12/12 light cycle.

SOP Feed Schedule

Feed your frog every other day. We usually feed ours on Mondays, Wednesday and Fridays. On feeding days, they can have 2 to 3 live large crickets each. Be sure to dust the crickets in alternating calcium and vitamins. 

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