New Caledonia Crested Gecko

SOP Care Sheet


Since the New Caledonian Crested Gecko is a larger sized lizard, we use an exo terra tank. This lizard needs vertical space - they love to climb. We have quite a few sticks and fake plants for our male and female to climb and hide behind. We have a humidore box in their cage, it consists of coconut husk. We keep this in the cage to assist with humidity and the female likes to lay her eggs inside.

Daily Care

Spot clean cage, provide fresh water, and scrub off branches/plants daily. Mist cage twice a week and keep humidore container moist.

Lighting and Temperature

New Caledonian Crested Geckos, are a nocturnal lizard.  Due to this fact, we do not use a UVB bulb for this animal.  We provide a zoo med 40 watt bulb

This lizard prefers to be a little cooler.  So a 40 watt bulb is sufficient enough heat for it to be happy. 

SOP Feed Schedule

Offer food once daily. Repashy crested gecko diet 1 pd bag. It is a powder food that you mix with water. Directions are on the bag. Make up a batch of food and refrigerate. Put their food in their bowl in the evenings. Remember, they are nocturnal!

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