Ball Python
SOP Care Sheet
The Ball Python needs a habitat the size of a 30 gallon cage (36 inches long by 12 inches wide). For a single snake we recommend a 36 inch commercial snake enclosure. We like to use bark chips for bedding in our cages, but newspaper, aspen shavings, or shredded cypress bark works well also. Make sure you have a humidor box so that they don't get too dry. Mist the humidor box with regular tap water whenever it gets dry but do not over mist. You also want to make sure the water bowl is suitable for the size of your Ball Python. A hiding spot is essential so we use a medium sized cardboard box. You may also use a horizontal cork shelter. We do NOT recommend a heating rock because it can burn their skin.
Daily Care
Spot clean cage (look for feces) and provide fresh water. Strip the cage every 3 weeks.
Lighting and Temperature
One side of the cage should be 90-95 degrees Fahrenheit and the temperature about 70-80 degrees Fahrenheit on the other. This is called a heat gradient. The snake should be able to choose if it wants to be cooler or warmer. Use a 100 Watt reptile halogen bulb.
SOP Feed Schedule
We do not recommend feeding live rats/mice to ANY animal. Look 1/3 of the way down your python and the rat/mouse should be that size round. They eat once a week for 3 weeks and the 4th week they don't eat. repeat that cycle.