Leopard Gecko

SOP Care Sheet


The Leopard Gecko is a smaller ground dwelling lizard. We have a pair living in a 24 inch Neodesha cage. Reptibark bedding is used as substrate and there are sticks and plants for them to hide under. We use a medium tupperware container as their humidore box. We cut a hole in the side so they can walk into the container. We mist the humidore box about every other day. This box not only assists with humidity, but they also use it to lay their eggs in.

Daily Care

Spot clean cage, provide fresh water, and scrub off branches/plants daily. Strip cage every 3 weeks.

Lighting and Temperature

Leopard Geckos are a lizard that are found in the deserts of Central Asia.  Due to this fact, we use a UVB bulb for this animal.  We provide a 100 watt Zoo Med PowerSun bulb.  We also provide a medium sized heat pad under the cage.  Make sure the heat pad is placed under the same side as the light.  We use Zoo Med ReptiTherm® Under Tank Heater, Medium. We place the light on a timer.  The timer is set for a 12/12 light cycle.  

We use an infrared thermal heat gun to check the temperature of our cage regularly.  We try to make the "heat" side of his cage around 95 degrees F.  The "cooler" side of the cage is kept around 75 degrees F. 

SOP Feed Schedule

We Can have 10 large crickets per day, per animal (count crickets in cage – if there are some left from the next day, just add the difference).  You do not hand feed crickets, just place crickets into cage.  Alternate dusting crickets with vitamins and calcium during the week.  Sometimes animal may not eat all the crickets – that is alright.  Just add the correct amount of crickets to cage so there are 10 crickets per animal.

Can occasionally have waxworms, phoenix worms or mealworms.  Pick one of the three and can have once a day if available as a treat.

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