Barred Tiger Salamander
SOP Care Sheet
The Tiger Salamander is in a 20 gallon (long) glass aquarium with a black tray deep enough to soak himself in. For bedding we use pure plant soil with no toxins or chemicals in it. Amphibians have osmotic skin, so be careful not to use soil that may be toxic to them and cause death.
We make sure we give our salamander about 3 inches of soil to dig in. He loves to make tunnels!
Daily Care
If you smoke or use nicotine products, wash your hands before handling the animal because it could kill them. Spot clean the cage and provide fresh water daily. The water must be dechlorinated. If dechlorinated water is not available you can use tap water if you add a drop of dechlor into the container provided. Mist cage with the dechlorinated water once a day. Do not use any type of soap or cleaner to clean the cage, plants or rocks. Wipe down walls with a plain paper towel.
Lighting and Temperature
We do not use any special lights for our Salamander other then the classroom ceiling lights and the heat is based off the classroom temperature which is set between 72 to 75 Degrees Fahrenheit.
SOP Feed Schedule
For our Barred Tiger Salamander we feed Tuesdays and Thursdays up to 2 crickets dusted in calcium off the tongs. Twice a month, we substitute the crickets for an earthworm. These animals become obese easily in captivity! Be careful in your feeding.