Spiny Tailed Agama (Uromastyx)
SOP Care Sheet
The Spiny-tailed Agama is also known as a Uromastyx. It is a medium sized lizard, so we use a 20 long fish aquarium with a screen lid. We use Jurassic Sand for the substrate. The Jurassic Sand is used because it is soft and may be washed for reuse (do not use chemicals to wash). We provide a hide box in addition to a water and food bowl.
Daily Care
Spot clean cage and provide fresh water daily. We feed our Spiny-tailed agama every other day. Our Agama likes to soak once a week in warm water. Fill the container you are bathing your agama in just up until he can comfortably sit in it. Do not fill it up so much to where he/she is swimming in it.
Lighting and Temperature
All Uromastyx species come from a hot and dry climate. The heating lamp should keep the temperature in the enclosure at about 90 to 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Put your heat lamp timer on for about 10 to 14 hours a day. You need to use a UV-B light bulb in your heating lamp so the Spiny-tailed Agama may get their source of vitamin D3.
SOP Feed Schedule
We feed our Agama every other day. Thaw out frozen peas, carrots, green beans and corn, cut up Romaine lettuce (no spinach) and flower petals, and mix it together in the food dish. You may also sprinkle a little bit of seed mix over their food. We also provide about 5 softened beans to the food dish (school buys variety bag). Once a week you could offer the Spiny-tailed Agama 2 to 3 crickets, the crickets should be sprinkled with calcium.