Pueblan Milksnake
SOP Care Sheet
The enclosure for a Pueblan Milksnake is very simple, you need a 20 gallon long glass aquarium, (for easy cleaning) and some other basic items such as water dish (snakes love to soak in there water dishes so deepness is a factor) a hide box, a humidor box (filled with moist coconut husk) is used to keep their skin healthy. Some accessories, such as branches and leaves may also be needed (snakes love to crawl through and on objects you may find outside.) *Snakes are very infamous for escaping!* so you need a glass aquarium (usually a 20 gallon long) that has a locking lid. Snakes can nudge themselves through tiny cracks or any small openings. They will never stop trying to escape!
Daily Care
Spot clean cage, provide fresh water, and scrub off branches/plants daily. Strip cage every 3 weeks.
Lighting and Temperature
One side of the cage should be 90-95 degrees Fahrenheit and the temperature about 70-80 degrees Fahrenheit on the other. This is called a heat gradient. The snake should be able to choose if it wants to be cooler or warmer. Use a 100 Watt reptile halogen bulb.
SOP Feed Schedule
We feed each snake frozen thawed mice. Feed 1X for every 1 week. Once they reach a year old feed 1X a week for 3 weeks. Then they receive 1 week of fasting. We separate all our snakes before feeding. We also feed the snakes in a different cage than what they live in to help reduce the chance of being bit. They will not learn to associate your hands with food.